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Statistics for Six Sigma Black Belts

Written By Barsalou, Matthew
2015, Edition 1
Category: Six Sigma
Level: Intermediate

ASQ Quality Press
PO Box 3005
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201
United States of America
URL: http://qualitypress.asq.org/
Phone: 800-248-1946

About This Book

This book is written for the Six Sigma Black Belt who needs an understanding of many statistical methods but does not use all of these methods every day. It is intended to be used as a quick reference, providing basic details, step-by-step instructions, and Minitab statistical software instructions. Six Sigma Black Belts typically use a statistical program such as Minitab to perform calculations, but an understanding of the underlying statistics is still needed. The methods presented here are laid out according to the Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) phases in which they are typically used. However, these methods can also be applied outside of a Six Sigma project, such as when one simply needs to determine whether there is a difference in the means of two processes producing the same parts. A Six Sigma Black Belt using Statistics for Six Sigma Black Belts will be able to quickly zero in on appropriate methods and follow the examples to reach the correct statistical conclusions.

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